Environmental Study

  • DEIS
  • Project Status
  • Maglev Train
  • Project Maps
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In August 2021, FRA and MDOT paused the environmental review process for the Baltimore-Washington Superconducting Magnetic Levitation (SCMAGLEV) Project following the public comment period on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS). The purpose of the pause was to allow FRA and MDOT to review project elements and determine next steps. In addition, MDOT, in consultation with FRA, reviewed project funding to continue the environmental review.

As part of the effort to review project elements, FRA and MDOT are currently meeting with potentially impacted federal agencies that commented on the DEIS, consistent with FRA’s commitment in the DEIS to coordinate with the relevant regulatory agencies to further understand the potential impacts of the SCMAGLEV Project on federal property. FRA may coordinate with other participating agencies, as necessary.

At this time, the environmental review process remains paused. If FRA and MDOT determine it is appropriate to resume the environmental review process, FRA and MDOT will notify the public.