Environmental Study

There are 13 alternatives moving forward in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS).  There is a No-Build alternative and 12 Build Alternatives.

  • Alignment Options:
    • J (Baltimore Washington Parkway West)
    • J1 (Baltimore Washington Parkway East)
  • Station Options:
    • Washington DC - Mount Vernon Square East
    • BWI Marshall Airport – at the airport
    • Baltimore
      • Cherry Hill
      • Camden Yards
    • Trainset Maintenance Facility (TMF) Options:
      • BARC West
      • BARC Airstrip
      • MD 198

If a Build Alternative is selected, it will consist of one alignment (J or J1), one station in DC, BWI, and Baltimore (Cherry Hill or Camden Yards), and one TMF. See table for the 12 Build Alternatives:

12 build alternatives

NEPA Process

The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) created the process that federal agencies follow to analyze the potential consequences of proposed projects on the human environment, engage the public, and document the analysis to ensure informed decision making. NEPA is an “umbrella” law that encourages integrated compliance with other environmental laws. Compliance with NEPA will include preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) that will be made available for public review and comment.